Friendly Fighters Probiotics Review

Our bodies are dependent on bacteria for the absorption of nutrients, synthesis of vitamins and elimination of waste. They protect us from certain infections and diseases. However, our lifestyle, presence of chemicals in water and food and consumption of antibiotics destroys the colonies of good bacteria in our intestines and these need to be replenished for our body to function properly. Friendly Fighters Probiotics are available as mini-capsules, which are formulated using a special technique that allows them to pass through the stomach acids undamaged and reach the kidneys where these probiotic bacteria can proliferate.

Use of probiotics in gout and rheumatoid arthritis has been found to be beneficial. Probiotics help improve digestion, help in better excretion of uric acid from the body and also make the immune system stronger.


The recommended daily dosage is 1 mini-capsule a day.

Possible Side Effects

Probiotics do not suit everybody and in some people they can cause digestive troubles, bloating and diarrhoea. In some cases, they can over-stimulate the immune system. In people with weak immune system, they can cause diseases and be a serious concern.


A 30 mini-capsule bottle costs $9.75, while a 120 mini-capsule bottle costs $29.95. More discounts are available on purchasing multiple bottles together.


The company offers a 100% money back guarantee on this product and backs its quality and effectiveness.

Friendly Fighters Probiotic Overall Value

Probiotics are usually good for the body; however, they are not a complete gout remedy in themselves. They can help enhance the body’s natural functions, but do not do anything beyond that to treat the disease. The company recommends that Friendly Fighters Probiotics be taken along with their gout supplement GC Gout Care. Together, the two can help reduce the symptoms of gout.

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Maxion Nutrition Gout Relief Review

Max Gout Relief is a cherry flavoured supplement that is available both as liquid and as capsules. It provides quick relief from gout pain and inflammation.


  • Celery seed extract – Anti-inflammatory effect, which reduces swelling and pain in joints. Also neutralizes excess uric acid and allows it to pass through the urine with burning or pain.
  • Stinging nettle – Helps remove uric acid from blood
  • Cherry – Contain anthocyanin which reduce uric acid production and also block enzymes that cause inflammation
  • Turmeric – Prevents inflammation
  • Vitamin C – Controls uric acid level
  • Inactive ingredients – Natural cherry powder for flavour, microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate, gelatin


Adults can take one tablespoon (15ml) of the liquid daily or 2 capsules once a day.

Possible Side Effects

Pregnant or lactating women, people with gallstones, bile duct obstruction, stomach ulcers or a history of hyperacidity should consult a doctor before using this supplement.

Will This Product Have Long-Term Effects?

Cherry extract has been found to lower the incidence of gout attacks substantially and so the liquid form of Max Gout Relief has long-term benefits. The capsule only provides relief from existing symptoms and does not do much to prevent reoccurrence.


The liquid form comes in a 450ml bottle and costs $24.99 while the bottle of capsules (containing 60 capsules) is priced at $18.99. The two forms vary in ingredient quantity and the capsules do not contain cherry extract.


The company does not guarantee the quality or effectiveness of its supplements and does not offer refund if you happen to be dissatisfied with it.

Is Maxion’s Max Nutrition Gout Relief Worth It?

Given its limited number of ingredients, this product is slightly overpriced.

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Go-Out Plex By Highland Review

Go-Out Plex is made of natural herbs that maintain normal uric acid levels in blood and also promote healthy metabolism.


Ingredients In Go-Out Plex By Highland

  • Potassium citrate – Neutralizes uric acid and allows it to pass through urine painlessly.
  • Celery seed extract (Apium graveolens) – Keeps kidneys healthy and increases the rate of elimination of uric acid from the body.
  • Black cherry 4:1 extract (Prunus serotina) – Contains antioxidants that reduce tissue damage and lower uric acid formation. It also aids in removal of waste from the body.
  • Bromelain 1200 GDU/g – It is a proteolytic enzyme that helps reduce inflammation, pain and swelling in joints by dissolving the uric acid deposits.
  • Turmeric root (Curcuma longa) – Anti-inflammatory and analgesic.
  • Other ingredients: Vegetable cellulose, magnesium trisilicate, silica, magnesium stearate

Dosage Of Go-Out Plex By Highland

The recommended dosage for Go-Out Plex is two capsules a day. Patients should also drink at least 8 glasses of water and avoid meats, fish and food made from refined white flour.

Possible Side Effects

Go-Out Plex does not contain any corn, soy, yeast, salt, gluten, milk or dairy products, egg, sugar, starch or artificial preservatives. It is suitable for people who have diabetes or a history of cardiac problems and those who have dairy allergies. It is however, best to consult a physician before taking any supplements especially if you are pregnant, lactating or undergoing psychiatric treatment.


The listed price for this product is $30.90 per bottle containing 90 capsules but it is available at an offer price of $19.95 on the website. Additional discounts of up to 20% are available depending on the number of bottles you order. The effective price per month is $10.64. The products are also shipped free within the US.


Go-Out Plex carries a 100% money-back guarantee (minus shipping cost) if products are returned within 30 days of purchase.

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Goutlin- Gout Relief Supplements Review

Goutlin is all-natural which uses many quality herbal extracts to help the relief of gout. Goutlin may also help to improve the general wellbeing of normal people. It is an Australian-made product, made by the company Greencare Australia and is recognized as a complementary medicine by Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) an Australian Government Department. Goutlin comes in an eye-catching gold box with an outline of Australia on the front. The bottle inside has a bright yellow label with a green picture of Australia. I wanted to know if Goutlin truly does relieve the symptons of gout like it promises, so I looked into the ingredients, price and dosage of the all-natural product.

Ingredients In Goutlin- Gout Relief Supplements

Goutlin uses a long list of active ingredients, including:

  • Fish Oil,
  • Quercetin
  • Bromelains
  • d-alpha Tocopherol
  • Celery Seed Oil
  • Calcium Pantothenate
  • Garlic Oil
  • Vaccinium Myrtillus Fruit extract
  • Vitis Vinifera Seed extract
  • Pinus Pinaster Stem Bark extract
  • Folic Acid

Unfortunately Greencase Australia did not explain what their ingredients did to help relieve the symptoms of gout, which could be confusing or annoying for potential buyers.

Dosage Of Goutlin- Gout Relief Supplements

It is recommended that you take 1-3 Goutlin soft gel capsules daily with a meal. Buyers with more severe gout looking for relief would want a higher dosage than those looking to maintain their pain free status.

How Much Does It Cost?

It took some searching to find out how much Goutlin costs but I was able to find it for sale for $69.90, this price is for 180 capsules of Goutlin. Taken at the highest dosage of three capsules daily that would mean one bottle would last for two months, or taken at a dosage of one capsule per day would give a 6 month supply of Goutlin.

Given the price and quantity this is good value for such a large quantity.

Is It Guaranteed?

No, I was unable to find any guarantee for Goutlin from Greencare Australia or any other supplier.

I did find some positive reviews for Goutlin from buyers who stated that they found taking one capsule per day sufficient to relieve and prevent the pain of gout. This is a great sign for potential buyers.

Closing Comments

Goutlin is a product which provides relief from gout, it is an all natural product and approved by the Australian government. It has an extensive list of active ingredients though I was unable to find any information on the manufacturer website which stated what each ingredient did to help relieve gout. At a price of $69.90 for 180 capsules, Goutlin proved to be very good value for money, especially given the positive reviews I found which stated that Goutlin had helped the writers gout significantly. Unfortunately I was unable to find a manufacturer guarantee for Goutlin which may be a little unsettling for some buyers.

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Solaray Total Cleanse Uric Acid Review

Solaray Total Cleanse Uric Acid is a natural supplement that helps the body cleanse uric acid from the blood so that no excess uric acid gets deposited in the joints as painful crystals.

Vitamin C keeps the immune system functioning properly and also helps dissolve uric acid deposits that form in the joints. Tart cherry contains anthocyanins that reduce uric acid production by preventing destruction of cells by free radicals. Cherry extract and quercetin also aid the process of flushing out of waste from the body. Bromelain keeps joints healthy, while folate helps in excretion of excess uric acid. Turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties, balances the immune response and eases pain and inflammation in joints. Celery seed extract is diuretic in nature and makes the process of removal of uric acid from the body faster.

Ingredients In Solaray Total Cleanse Uric Acid

  • Vitamin C (as Ascorbic acid)
  • Folate (folic acid)
  • Tart cherry fruit concentrate (Prunus cerasus) (with 3.2mg anthocyanin)
  • Bromelain
  • Quercetin
  • Turmeric (Curcuma longa)
  • Celery seed extract (Apium graveolens)
  • Other inactive ingredients: Vegetable cellulose capsule, cellulose, silica, magnesium stearate


The recommended dosage of this product is two capsules a day with food or water.

Possible Side Effects

People who have an obstructed bile duct, a history or gallstones, stomach ulcers or hyperacidity and pregnant women should not use this product. Some people may be allergic to celery seeds and should avoid this product.


The listed retail price of Solaray Total Cleanse is $27.69, but it is available on Vitacost for $17.52.


The company does not accept returns of opened products and does not offer any guarantee regarding quality or effectiveness of the supplements. Sealed bottles can be returned within 1-2 weeks of date of dispatch, but a 20% restocking deduction will be made from the refund amount of goods received between 8-14 days of date of dispatch.

Solaray Total Cleanse Uric Acid Overall Value

This is a natural product and is priced at $17.52 on Vitacost

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Uricinex Product Review

Uricinex is a dietary supplement that provides us the nutrition that we do not get adequately from our regular.

Gary N Sun GaTHiya (Uric Acid Balance) Review

This is an herbal Ayurvedic formula that controls uric acid levels in blood and helps manage the pain and inflammation of gout. Ashwagandha is a commonly used ayurvedic ingredient. It has anti-inflammatory properties and it is helpful in controlling swelling, redness and pain around joints in gout patients. It also helps increase immunity and allows the body to withstand stress. Asparagus is an anti-inflammatory ingredient and it also keeps the digestive and excretory system healthy. Piper longum has anti-inflammatory and immune system regulating properties and helps reduce joint inflammation in gout. Godanti is a natural source of calcium and helps in joint repair and healing. It also neutralizes uric acid in the blood and urine and lets it be painlessly filtered out of the body.


  • Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)
  • Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus)
  • Pipplimool (Piper longum)
  • Godanti

Recommended Dosage

2-3 capsules should be taken twice a day after meals. These can be swallowed with water.

Possible Side Effects

While the FDA has approved all the ingredients used as “safe for use in dietary supplements”, they still may cause allergic reactions or interact with other medication that you may be on. It is recommended that a physician be consulted before starting any dietary supplements. Piper longum has an adverse effect on fertility and should not be taken for long periods of time as it can cause infertility.


A bottle containing 120 veggie capsules costs $33.90. This is relatively quite expensive compared to other gout supplements.


The website does not offer any guarantee or refund if the customer is unsatisfied with the quality.

Gary N Sun GaTHiya Overall Value

Compared to other popular supplements like GoutClear, a month’s supply of GaTHiya is almost 50% more expensive. Also, the effectiveness of Asparagus is controlling gout is debatable, since some research shows that due to its high purine content, asparagus aggravates rather than relieves gout. Other ingredients also appear to have potentially serious side effects if used over a long period.

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Utopia Nutrition Gout-A-Way Review

This is a 100% organic product that relieves gout pain and inflammation by enhancing blood circulation and reducing the uric acid content in blood. It prevents excessive build-up of uric acid in joints and keeps joints and muscles pain-free.





  • Vitamin C (as Organic Acerola Berry Powder): Balances the pH level of blood, reacts with uric acid to neutralize it and be removed from the body naturally.
  • Organic Dandelion Root Powder: It has diuretic properties that increase production of urine and also the elimination of excess uric acid through it.
  • Organic Celery seed powder: Acts as a kidney tonic, keeping them healthy and enhancing natural detoxification process. It is also anti-inflammatory and reduces swelling and pain in joints.
  • Organic Shitake Mushroom Powder: Immunomodulator and anti-inflammatory.
  • Organic Pineapple Fruit powder: Contains bromelain, a proteolytic enzyme, that helps digest proteins more effectively, so that uric acid is not formed as a by-product of the break-down. It also digests uric acid crystals that have already formed in joints and relieves swelling and inflammation.
  • Other ingredients: Pullulan, Organic Brown Rice powder, Nu-FLOW Organic Rice concentrate

Recommended Dosage

The recommended dosage for adults is one capsule a day with meals.


The supplement is available online for a price of $28 per bottle. Since one bottle lasts 2 months, the effective monthly cost is $14.


The supplement is made following the Good Manufacturing Practices listed by the FDA. Quality Assurance International has also certified it as an organic product. However, the company does not offer any guarantee regarding the effectiveness of the product and does not take returns of products that did not work for you.

Is Utopia Nutrition Gout-A-Way Worth Buying?

This certainly seems like a good product and has some ingredients that have been found to be effective in reducing the symptoms of gout. money-back guarantee.

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Cure Herbals Gout Relief Review

Cure Herbals Gout Relief supplement is a natural, herbal supplement that brings relief from gout pain.

Very little information is available about this product and its mechanism of functioning and effectiveness cannot be determined.



The website does not mention the ingredients used in this product and does not provide any details except that they use natural herbs only.

Recommended Dosage

Taking 1 tablet a day at any fixed time (preferably after a meal) works. These tablets can simply be swallowed with some water.

Possible Side Effects

It is a completely natural product and does not have major side effects. However, since no detail of the ingredients is available, this claim made by the company cannot be verified in any way.


This supplement is priced at $45 per bottle. The company website does not offer any discount on this amount.


The company offers a money back guarantee on this product. If, for any reason, you are not satisfied with it, you can send it back and the company will issue you a refund of the product cost minus shipping charges.

Is Cure Herbals Gout Relief Worth It?

While buying supplements online, the only things a customer can consider before making a decision is the ingredients, its adherence to FDA approved practices and its price. Cure Herbals Gout Relief fails on all three counts. It does not provide a list of its ingredients and customers cannot evaluate the product beforehand. It is priced at an exorbitant $45 per bottle, which is very high compared to other gout supplements. The company website also has no mention of what kind of manufacturing practices are followed for the production of this supplement and so the quality of this product cannot be judged.

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Naturesupplies Gout Relief Supplements Review

Naturesupplies Gout Relief supplement looks after the overall health of the bones and muscles. It prevents damage to the cartilage and joints, reduces inflammation in joints and muscles, decreases bone and muscle pain, speeds up healing of fractures, improves bone density and keeps them healthy. It prevents muscle stiffness and keeps loco motor movements healthy.

Lakshadi Guggul is an herb that keeps bones healthy, reduces pain and also has antibacterial properties. Meda lakadi reduces inflammation and pain and speeds up the healing process of the bones. Babchi increases calcification of bones and keeps them strong.

All three are used in Ayurvedic medicine to control gout, osteoporosis, arthritis, and other bone related diseases. Conch shell is rich in calcium, magnesium and iron and is commonly used to cure joint pains and improve bone density.

Ingredients In Naturesupplies Gout Relief Supplements

  • Lakshadi Guggul (Commiphora Mukul)
  • Meda Lakadi (Litsea Sebifera)
  • Babchi (Psoralea Corylifolia)
  • Conch shell (Shank Bhasma)

Dosage Of Naturesupplies Gout Relief Supplements

Recommended dosage is 3 capsules twice a day for four months when a gout attack occurs. After that period, the dose can be lowered to 2 capsules twice a day to maintain the positive effects of the supplement.

Possible Side Effects

The supplement is made using all-natural ingredients and contains no chemicals whatsoever. It does not have any side effects.


Each bottle containing 50 capsules of 250mg costs £14.99 or an equivalent of $23.98. The company offers free delivery within UK. However, since the daily dosage for this product is quite high, one bottle will last 8 days and so the effective price for a month’s supply of the supplement will be around $86.35. This is extremely high compared to that of other natural gout supplements.


The website states that this product has been tested and found to be effective and does not cause any side effects. However, no proof of that claim is provided on the website.


Naturesupplies Gout Relief supplement is made up of natural ingredients commonly used in Ayurvedic medicine to treat gout and joint pains. While this product may be effective, it does not come with any guarantee and is priced at an exorbitant amount.

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