Uricelax Uric Acid Support Review

Uricelax is a natural gout supplement that helps maintain an optimum level of uric acid in the body. It aids in healthy kidney function and keeps the immune system functioning properly. By controlling the level of uric acid by elimination or retention (as required by the body), Uricelax reduces pain and inflammation that accompanies gout. It also contains antioxidants that prevent cellular damage caused by free radicals.

Ingredients In Uricelax Uric Acid Support

  • Bromelain, Trypsin and Rutin – Addresses the symptoms of gout by reducing inflammation, digesting mineral deposits in joints, enhancing immune response and relieving pain and swelling.
  • Devil’s claw – Reduces uric acid level in body
  • Celery seed extract – Contains antioxidants and reduces uric acid formation. Also has diuretic properties that hastens the removal of waste through urine
  • Tart Cherry Extract – Neutralizes uric acid and helps eliminate it from the body
  • Grapeseed Extract – Rich in antioxidants, so prevent cellular damage and reduce the amount of uric acid formed
  • Turmeric – Anti-inflammatory properties and also strengthens immune system
  • Bilberry extract – Promotes urinary health and good kidney function
  • Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) – Strengthens the immune system
  • Alfalfa – Helps detoxify the body and flush out uric acid from the body
  • Cynara – Diuretic that helps eliminate waste from the body
  • Other ingredients: Gelatin, Magnesium stearate, stearic acid and dicalcium phosphate

Recommended Dosage Of Uricelax Uric Acid Support

It is recommended that you take 2 capsules a day – one in the morning and one an hour before bedtime. The supplement should ideally be taken every day for at least 8 weeks at a stretch. This dosage can be continued after that also for best results.

Is It Affordable?

A single bottle costs $39.95, but three bottles can be bought together for $79, reducing the effective monthly cost to $26.33. By opting for a recurring automatic order, you can save an additional 5%.


The company refuses to offer a guarantee and claims that everybody’s immune system differs from each other and so the supplement may not be equally effective for everyone.

Overall Value

While this is a good, natural product, it does not come with any guarantee. The website also does not have any information of the standards the company follows for manufacturing the product and there are no customer reviews on the website.

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Fruit Advantage Gout Treatment Review

Fruit Advantage Cherry Prime keeps joints healthy, reduces soreness of muscles, helps build cartilage and keeps joints lubricated. This supplement contains glucosamine and chondroitin to restore damaged cartilage and lubricate joints. It also contains anthocyanin and antioxidants from tart cherry. Glucosamine stimulates cartilage production and chondroitin provides raw material for it and also attracts water into joints, keeping them motile. Tart cherries are rich in vitamin A, C and E and promote overall health. Anthocyanin present in tart cherries prevents uric acid crystals from forming in joints, dissolves existing crystals and keeps blood uric acid levels in control. Antioxidants prevent tissue damage caused by free radicals.

Ingredients In Fruit Advantage Gout Treatment

Dosage Of Fruit Advantage Gout Treatment

3 capsules of Cherry Prime are recommended to be taken a day (1 with each meal).

Possible Side Effects

Like other glucosamine and chondroitin supplements, Cherry Prime can cause high blood sugar, upset stomach, itchy rashes and headaches. People with a known shellfish allergy should avoid this product, since glucosamine is derived from shellfish.


A 90-capsule bottle of Cherry Prime costs $28.95. 7 bottles can be bought together at a discounted price of $22.33 per bottle. Shipping within the US is free. Each bottle lasts one month. This price is reasonable for a combined supplement that both prevents and repairs gout damage.


The website offers a 100% satisfaction guarantee and products can be returned for full refunds within 60 days of purchase. It is manufactured in an FDA approved facility.

Overall Value

This is a product that combines the benefits of two separate supplements. Glucosamine and Chondroitin heal joints and help in regenerating cartilage, while tart cherry prevents accumulation of uric acid in joints. Tart cherry supplements have been found to be very effective in managing gout.

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The Vitamin Shoppe Tart Cherry Extract Review

Tart Cherry Extract contains antioxidants and keeps the immune system healthy. When taken with gout medication, Tart Cherry Extract decreases the incidence of gout attacks in patients by blocking the production of proteins that cause inflammation. These supplements also control uric acid level of the blood, reducing the risk of uric acid deposits in joints, which are characteristic of gout.

The Vitamin Shoppe Tart Cherry Capsules are vegetarian, gluten-free and do not contain any preservatives or artificial colours.

Ingredients In The Vitamin Shoppe Tart Cherry Extract

  • Active ingredient: CherryPure Freeze Dried Tart Cherry (Prunus cerasus) Skin Concentrate: 500mg per capsule
  • In capsule shell: Vegetable cellulose, Microcystalline cellulose, Magnesium stearate, Silica

Dosage Of The Vitamin Shoppe Tart Cherry Extract

The recommended dose for this dietary supplement is three capsules every day, preferably with meals. This is more than the dosage for GoutClear.


Each bottle containing 90 capsules, which is about one month’s supply, costs $19.99. The website offers a 50% on the second bottle if you buy two together, so the effective price for each bottle would be $15.


The company does not offer any guarantees and even refuses to endorse or verify customer reviews and the health information regarding cherries that is mentioned on the website.

Is It Worth Buying?

It certainly is cheaper than many other gout supplements available in the market, but the negative aspect is that the company does not offer any guarantee or provide any proof of the product’s effectiveness.

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Biogetica Natural Gout Treatment Review

Biogetica Natural therapies reduce pain, inflammation and swelling of joints that are the most common symptoms of gout. The approach helps eliminate excess uric acid from the body and dissolves the crystals that form in the joints. This treatment also strengthens joints and keeps them fully functional and pain-free.

The kit contains 4 separate natural therapies:

  • GT Mix 30 – A homeopathic treatment that curbs gout by intake of uric acid, stimulating the body to expel more.
  • Kaishore Guggulu – An ayurvedic formula to treat pitta-type gout (where joints are inflamed, red and painful) by regulating metabolic activity and increasing waste elimination.
  • OM 3- Factor (OM 3-Bone Irregularity – OM 3 GT Formula) – Homeopathic remedy where joint specific support is given to the body.
  • Arthrose – An overall supplement containing micronutrients that promote joint and bone health. Enhances metabolic activity, regulates immune system and makes the body more receptive to nutrients required for healthy joints.


GT Mix 30

  • Berber1S
  • Colchicum
  • KBS Mix: Ledum, Liver balance, Pituitary post
  • A. Pills mix: Urea, Uric Acid, Urtica

Kaishore Guggulu

  • Haritaki (Terminalia chebula)
  • Amalaki (Emblica officinalis)
  • Bhibhitaki (Terminalia bellirica)
  • Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia)
  • Purified Guggul (Commiphora mukul)
  • Vidanga (Embelia ribes)
  • Pippali (Piper longum)
  • Sunthi (Zingiber officinale)
  • Marich (Piper nigrum)
  • Dantimool (Baliospremum montanum)

OM 3 – Factor

  • Potentized extracts of: bone, Parathyroid, Periosteum, Red marrow, Yellow marrow, White marrow, Parathyroid


  • Group 1 (Substrate enables joint micronutrients): Shark cartilage, Hydrolyzate fish collagen, OptiMSM, Chondroitin sulphate, Sodium hyaluronate
  • Group 2 (Regulators of oxidative processes): Quercetin, Resveratrol, L-Glutathione
  • Group 3 (Fitotherapeuticos): Escaramujo (Rosa canina), dry Maca (Lepidium meyenii), Harpagofito (Harpagaphytum procumbens), Vellosillo (Hieracium pilosella)
  • Group 4 (Amino acis): L-Proline, L-Tyrosine, L-Arginine
  • Group 5 (Vitamins and minerals): Calcium gluconate, Magnesium Gluconate, Potassium gluconate, Tricalcium phosphate, Silicon dioxide, Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin), Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine hydrochloride), Vitamin B1 (Thiamine hydrochloride)

Recommended Dosage

  • GT Mix 30: 2 pills should be taken thrice a day. This dosage can be increased to 2 pills six times a day if the gout attack is severe.
  • Kaishore Guggulu: 1 or 2 tablets have to be taken twice a day after meals with water.
  • OM 3 – Factor: Four pills are to be taken thrice a day (12 pills a day)
  • Arthrose – 1 or 2 pills can be taken daily before meals.


The complete kit costs $139 for a one-month dosage. This is almost five times the price of other gout supplements available.


The company has a 90-day money back guarantee and gives 100% refund if you are not happy with the results of the product.

Overall Value Of Biogetica Natural Gout Treatment

While this may be a good treatment, it is extremely expensive. It is made of natural ingredients but is not vegetarian and may cause allergic reactions in some people.

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Prof. Complementary Health Gout Formula Review

This is a homeopathic remedy that provides relief from gout symptoms and controls the production and retention of excess uric acid in the body.






  • Bryonia 4X – Helps reduce inflammation and pain
  • Dulcamara 4X – Reduces joint stiffness and makes movement easier
  • Ledum palustre 4X – Brings down swelling and inflammation
  • Arnica Montana 6X – Increases the rate of healing, especially that of gout-affected joints
  • Benzoicum acidum 6X – Reduces gout related joint pains
  • Colchicum autumnale 6X – Decreases pain in joints and makes them less sensitive to the burning pain associated with gout
  • Lithium carbonicum 6X – Effective in controlling gout or rheumatism pain
  • Urtica urens 6X – Reduces swelling in joints and also reduces redness and other signs of inflammation
  • Formica rufa 12X (crushed live ants) – Eases joint and muscle pain, reduces swelling, and also makes urination easier and painless
  • Lycopodium clavatum 12X – Keeps the digestive and excretory systems healthy. This lowers uric acid production and increases its elimination from the body.
  • Purified water
  • 20% USP alcohol


A single bottle contains 60ml of the supplement and the recommended daily dosage is about 2ml, mixed with water.

Possible Side Effects

While all ingredients used are natural, some of them have been known to cause side effects. Lithium carbonicum, for example, causes painful urination, irregular menstruation, upset stomach, dryness or irritation of mucous membranes, problems in vision, rashes, skin eruptions, etc.


The retail price per bottle is $14, but it is available online at a reduced price of $12.60.


While the ingredients used in this product are commonly used in homeopathic medicine, the product itself does not come with any guarantees. The company does not have any refund policy if customers are not happy with how Iso-Tech Goutrol works for them.

Prof. Complementary Health Overall Value

This is a homeopathic product, derived from natural, but not plant products. One of its main ingredients is crushed ant, which may cause allergic reaction in some people and may be disliked by vegetarians. Individually, the components have been known to help with gout symptoms and this product is also available at a reasonable price.

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Mobic Gout Relief Supplements Review

Mobic or meloxicam helps reduce inflammation and pain in gout patients. Mobic is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) that alters hormonal activity (inhibits the formation of prostaglandins, thromboxanes, and prostacyclin) in the body to reduce inflammation.



Mobic Gout Relief Supplements Formula

  • Meloxicam (C14H13N3O4S2)
  • Inactive ingredients in tablet: Colloidal silicon dioxide, crospovidone, lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose, povidone, sodium citrate dehydrate
  • Inactive ingredients in oral suspension: colloidal silicon dioxide, hydroxyethylcellulose, sorbitol, glycerol, xylitol, monobasic sodium phosphate (dihydrate), saccharin sodium, sodium benzoate, citric acid (monohydrate), raspberry flavor, and purified water

Mobic Gout Relief Supplements Recommended Dosage

The maximum recommended daily oral dosage of Mobic is 15mg. Patients should ideally start with 7.5mg once daily and then increase the dose if required. In patients with hemodialysis, the maximum dosage should be halved. This dose can be taken at any time regardless of meal timings. However, due to its potential side effects, the lowest effective dosage should be taken for the shortest period of time possible.

Possible Side Effects

Mobic can cause many major side effects like cardiac or circulatory problems like heart attacks or strokes. It can also cause perforations in the stomach or intestine. It can cause delay in ovulation and can harm the foetus, and so should not be used by women who are trying to conceive or are pregnant or lactating. People who have a history of heart disease, stomach ulcers, liver or kidney disease, should not use Mobic without consulting a doctor. If you experience any chest pain, shortness of breath, slurring of speech, bloody vomit or stool, you should visit a doctor immediately. People who are allergic to meloxicam should avoid this medicine. It may also cause arm, back or jaw pain, bleeding gums, bloody urine, burning stomach pain, cough, chills, bloating, dizziness, headache, hives, increased blood pressure, increased sensitivity to sunlight, loss of appetite, painful urination, itchy skin, seizures, nausea, mouth ulcers, unusual bleeding or bruising, diarrhoea, heartburn, etc.

Mobic also interacts negatively with many other drugs and the consulting physician should be informed of all existing medication the patient is on. Alcohol should be avoided while on Mobic.


The oral suspension of Mobic costs $167.15 for a 100ml bottle (lasts 13 days). The 7.5mg tablet pack costs $99.39 for 14 tablets and the 15mg tablets cost $939.69 for 100 tablets. This price is extremely high compared to that of natural gout supplements. However, since this is actual medication and not a dietary supplement, its cost is often covered under insurance.


Like other allopathic drugs, Mobic does not come with any money back guarantee but has to adhere to strict quality control.

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Benemid- Probenecid Review

This is not a supplement, but an allopathic medicine and should only be taken if prescribed by a doctor. This medicine is a uricosuric agent that increases the amount of uric acid excreted from the body through urine. It helps prevent gout attacks but cannot treat them once they occur. It makes the kidneys filter out an increased amount of uric acid and is commonly prescribed for chronic gout or gouty arthritis.

Active Ingredient

Recommended Dosage

Adults can take a 500mg dose twice a day. The maximum advised dose is 2g a day. The medicine is available in a tablet form and can be swallowed with water, with meals. Along with this medication, patients must consume adequate quantity of water.

Possible Side Effects

Listed side effects include headaches, dizziness, vomiting, nausea, loss of appetite, sore gums, bloody urine, kidney stones, backache, rash, itching, anemia or decrease in WBCs and hair loss. In rare cases, it may cause liver or kidney damage. This medicine should not be prescribed to children below 2 years of age, people with kidney stones, hypersensitivity or blood dyscrasias (abnormal constituency of blood). It should also not be taken by pregnant or breastfeeding women. This drug may initially increase gout attacks during the first 6-12 months but will later prevent them. It may react with certain other medications and the physician should always be informed of what medication you are already on.


This drug should not be bought online or without a physician’s prescription. The tentative cost of 30 tablets of generic 500mg Probenecid will be in the range of $25 to $41. However, since it is an approved medication, this cost will be covered by insurance.


The FDA has approved this product as a medicational drug. However, like in case of other medicines, there is no money-back guarantee offered by pharmaceutical companies.

Benemid Overall Value

This is a prescription medicine and should be taken only when and as directed by a physician. It will bring relief from gout over the long term. It is not made of natural components and has some serious side effects.

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Native Remedies Gout-Gone™ Review

This is a homeopathic medicine that helps keep uric acid levels within the healthy range and prevent crystals from forming in the joints. It reduces inflammation, pain, swelling and redness in gouty joints.


  • Antimonium crud: Best used for gout where gastric symptoms occur and joint inflammation is widespread across the body.
  • Quercus: Useful in managing gout.
  • Rhododendron: Good remedy for joint pain.
  • Benzoic acid: Reduces joint pain and inflammation.
  • Silicea: Aids in repair and healing of damaged joints and cartilage
  • Nux vomica: Curbs itching and reduces heat generation in affected areas.
  • Ledum: Reduces swelling and inflammation.

Recommended Dosage

The supplement drops can be directly taken through the mouth or can be diluted in water and sipped. The first day’s dose needs to be stronger than the regular dose and 0.5ml can be taken every 20-30 minutes until the pain subsides. After that day onwards, 0.25ml of the supplement can be taken 3 to 5 times a day. It is also recommended that patients with gout avoid alcohol and adhere to a healthy diet.

Possible Side Effects

Gout-Gone has no known side effects of drug interactions and is safe for patients of all age groups.


One bottle of Gout-Gone costs $41.95, but the company has a “buy 2 get 1 free” scheme running and so effective cost per bottle would be $27.97. A 2 fl oz bottle lasts around 45 days so monthly cost of this supplement is $18.65.


This homeopathic supplement is registered with the FDA as an OTC medicine and is manufactured in FDA approved facilities following GMP. The product comes with an unconditional 1-year money back guarantee.

Is Native Remedies Gout-Gone Worth It?

There are many homeopathic remedies for gout available in the market these days and they are almost in the same price range as Gout-Gone. While homeopathy tends to work for some people, others people find natural herbal supplements like GoutClear more beneficial. Gout-Gone is a good product since it is approved by the FDA and backed by the company’s money back guarantee.

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Botanical Wisdom Gouty Arthricare Review

Botanical Wisdom Gouty Arthricare keeps uric acid levels in check.

Its natural Rapid Cell Infusion formula reduces the development of gout symptoms and makes it possible for gout patients to be relatively pain-free.


  • Thyme herb extract: Thyme has anti-inflammatory properties that reduce swelling and pain in joints. In addition, thyme also acts as a diuretic that increases the expulsion of uric acid through urine.
  • Apple cider vinegar: This keeps the blood pH in check and controls the production of uric acid.
  • Calcium citrate: This neutralizes the uric acid in the blood and allows it to be painlessly filtered out through urine.
  • Silicon dioxide
  • Magnesium stearate
  • Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (vegetarian capsule)

Recommended Dosage

The suggested dose for this supplement is 2 capsules twice a day when a gout attack occurs and 1 capsule twice a day for maintenance. The pills should be taken between meals.


The regular price for a 45 capsule bottle of Gouty Arthricare is $29.95, but websites offer up to a 20% discount lowering the price to $23.96. Each bottle lasts about 15 days, so the effective monthly cost is $47.92. This price is quite high compared to that of other supplements available in the market.


Gouty Arthricare does not have any money back guarantee or refund policy on it. For a product that is priced so highly, this is a definite negative.

Is Botanical Wisdom Gouty Arthricare Worth Buying?

While this is a good product made up of natural ingredients that have been proven to be individually effective in managing gout, it is relatively very highly priced compared to most other gout supplements.

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Kordel’s Gout Relief Supplements Review

Kordel’s Celery 6000 Gout Relief supplement contains a combination of celery seed extract and Montmorency Cherry juice that helps eliminate uric acid from the body and prevent gout. It also contains additional ingredients that support kidney function and increase the rate at which toxins are flushed out. This supplement is also effective in removing excess lactic acid from the muscles after exercise. Celery seed extract stimulates the functioning of the kidneys and increases the amount of uric acid excreted from the body. Montmorency cherries are rich in anthocyanins, which help ease inflammation and gout pain. They also contain antioxidants that attack free radicals that damage body tissues.

Ingredients In Kordel’s Gout Relief Supplements

  • Celery seed extract
  • Montmorency Cherry juice
  • Dicalcium phosphate (anti-caking agent)
  • Microcrystalline cellulose (bulking agent)
  • DL Malic acid
  • DL Phenylalanine
  • Magnesium stearate
  • Silicon dioxide (anti-caking agent)

Dosage Of Kordel’s Gout Relief Supplements

This is a one capsule a day product, and comes in a bottle containing 60 capsules. So, one bottle lasts 2 months.


A 60 capsule bottle costs about £20.53 online. Some sellers offer a lower price of £17.09 for a bottle. However, a bottle of Kordel’s Celery 6000 lasts 2 months, so a month’s supply costs between £8.5 and £10.26 ($13.6-16.42).


The product comes with a 100% unconditional guarantee. This means that if you are unsatisfied with the product for any reason, you can get a complete refund without any problem or questions.

Is It Worth Buying?

Both celery seed and Montmorency Cherry have been proven to be effective in treating gout. This seems like a good product and the fact that it comes at a reasonable price with a 100% money-back guarantee makes it even more appealing. It contains natural ingredients and does not have any side effects.

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