Gout Diet

The Proper Gout Diet

Gout is caused by inflammation of the joints due to high uric acid levels in the body. It causes severe joint pain and possibly severe disability during the initial flare up. When a gout attack occurs, the body produces too much uric acid, and this leads to uric acid crystal formation in the joints and soft tissue. Attacks can be very painful and reduce your activity levels dramatically.

Using a gout diet can help reduce uric acid levels in the body and reduce pain. It can also help keep your weight under control during periods of inactivity. Here are some helpful tips for dealing with a gout attack:

  • Joint Rest – During a gout attack, rest the affected joints as much as possible, until the pain begins to get better, and at least for a full 24 hours after the pain subsides.
  • Elevate – Keep the affected joints elevated above the heart as much as possible during the attack.
  • NSAIDS – Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications can help relieve the initial pain and inflammation. Avoid aspirin as that can make the symptoms worse.
  • Increase Fluids – Drink plenty of fluids to help reduce and flush out uric acid in the body.

Gout Diet

Gout DietTo help reduce uric acid levels and relieve symptoms, try to remove offending things from your diet that can raise uric acid levels. Even after the initial attack subsides, you may still need to limit these foods to prevent it from coming back. Here is a list of diet tips for gout:

  • Eat smaller amounts of fish, meat and poultry. Proteins that come from animals contain high levels of purines. Organ meats are the highest, but all meats have purines. Try to only eat 4 to 6 ounces of meat a day.
  • Eat a low-fat diet. When you eat too many saturated fats, your body cannot flush uric acid from your body. Shoot for plant proteins like beans and fat-free dairy.
  • Skip beer. Beer has a reputation for helping your body hold on to uric acid. A 5 ounce glass of wine daily is okay, but try to avoid any alcohol during a flare-up.
  • Stay away from high fructose corn syrup. Stick to products that are 100% fruit juice and stay away from fructose. Fructose can actually cause uric acid levels to increase.
  • Eat more whole grains. Refined carbohydrates can interfere with uric acid reduction in the body. Whole grains can help your body eliminate it. Try whole wheat bread and whole grain pasta or plain white.

More tips:

Gout DietA good healthy gout diet goes along with healthy lifestyle changes. Try these other helpful tips to complement your diet and heal faster:

  • Keep your weight under control – Being overweight increases the risk for gout and the pain that goes along with it. Try to eat a healthy sensible diet and lose weight over a period of time.
  • Discuss medications with your doctor – Make sure you clear any medications or remedies you use for gout with your physician.
  • Get plenty of exercise – As long as you are not in a gout flare, get regular exercise to keep joints healthy and keep weight off. After a gout flare, look into a good regular walking or stretching program that is gentle on the joints.

The good news is gout isn’t life threatening. However, gout can reduce your activity levels and increase weight gain. Eating a healthy gout diet can reduce the overproduction of uric acid in the body and help flush out the excess.

Getting prompt treatment for gout along with a healthy diet and lifestyle changes, can help you heal faster and lower the incidence of flare-ups in the future!

Goutinex Review

Goutinex has a multi-potency formula that contains three dilutions of each active ingredient that provides relief from joint pain and gout inflammation.

It is a homeopathic supplement that can be ingested or used topically without any harmful effect.



  • Actaea spicata: Provides relief from joint pain and tingling, reduces redness and rheumatic inflammation.
  • Ammonium phosphoricum: Reduces swelling and pain in joints
  • Belladonna: Relieves swelling, pain, reduces redness and inflammation.
  • Colchicum autumnale: Curbs pain
  • Formicum acidum: Neutralizes uric acid and balances blood pH.
  • Fraxinus excelsior: Lowers inflammation, swelling and pain.
  • Ledum palustre: Controls swelling.
  • Natrum carbonicum: Helps in healing of joints and makes them less painful.
  • Nux vomica: Controls itching, inflammation and heating of joints.
  • Phytolacca decandra: Relieves aches and soreness, especially in joints and heel and reduces inflammation.
  • Rhododendron chrysanthum: Homeopathic remedy for joint pain.
  • Salicylicum acidum: Homeopathic remedy for joint pain.
  • Utrica urens: For redness and swelling of joints.

Usage Directions

1ml of the supplement can be taken orally directly or mixed with water one hour before meals twice a day. It can also be applied externally onto the affected area 2 to 6 times a day until pain and inflammation reduces.

Possible Side Effects

It does not have any known major side effects or drug interactions.


A 30-day course is available for $34.95, but the company has a limited period “buy 3 get 1 free” offer, which lowers the effective price of each bottle to $22.49. This price includes free shipping within the US.


The company offers a 60-day guarantee on the first purchase only. Any repeat purchases are not covered under any guarantee. They also do not accept returns before 30 days of use have been completed as they want people to use the product for at least a month before determining its effectiveness. Also, a maximum of 2 opened bottles can be returned and any additional bottles need to be still seal-packed in order to be returned.

All the ingredients used in this supplement are listed in the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States. It is manufactured in adherence to the Current Good Manufacturing Practice standards

Goutinex Overall Value

Goutinex is a homeopathic supplement made from natural ingredients. It is reasonably priced and comes with a quality guarantee.

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Gout E-medicine

Gout and Emedicine

Gout E-medicineEmedicine sites are a great source of information for medical questions. Gout sufferers often have trouble finding good information on gout that can be trusted. Family and friends may be hesitant to talk about gout, or no very little about it. You may want to talk to your doctor, but they often seem rushed. Gout emedicine is one way you can learn all you need to know about gout. There are many websites that outline what gout is, the symptoms, treatments and prevention.

When you find a gout emedicine site where the information is highly researched and supported by doctors, scientists, and pharmacy experts, then you know that you have found a good source of information. When you see reviews about gout studies and new treatments, that is an even better sign! Best of all, most of these sites are free of charge and there is no obligation to read and learn what you need to know. This helps you find current information that can help you find the best treatment for your gout attacks.

Educating yourself with gout emedicine prior to consulting with a doctor will help you know which questions to ask your doctor once you arrive at the office. You will also understand the available gout treatments, the side-effects, and what they do.

This way, when your doctor explains your options, you will be better able to decide on which one works best for you. Gout emedicine sites also help you learn about all the safe, effective and all-natural treatments, there are available.

Gout E-medicineEmedicine sites are also backed by research, doctors, pharmacy professionals, and consumers who have had positive experiences with them. They can also give you diet and lifestyle tips to help you increase your healing. Many have Q and A sections where you can ask common questions about gout treatments actually answered by doctors and pharmacy experts.

Some have boards where you can meet other gout sufferers. They can help you understand which gout treatments worked for them and which ones did not work so well. While everyone is not the same, it does help to get some input from others.

Keep in mind that not all gout emedicine sites are reputable. They may only have their own best interest in mind. Some message boards may only be hosted by fellow gout sufferers with little medical education. They may mean well, but information may not always be accurate. Make sure you look for a doctor’s endorsement for the best websites.

If you think you have symptoms of gout, always consult your doctor for diagnosis and to discuss treatment. Using gout emedicine can help you understand the disease and maybe encourage you to get help. This way you can recover faster and enjoy your life again!

Acid Check – Gout Review

Gout is caused when the excessive uric acid in the body accumulates in joints and other tissues, causing damage to them. Gout is characterized by inflammation and excessive pain in joints.

Acid Check keeps the content of uric acid in the bloodstream in check. It also reduces build up of lactic acid in the body after exercising. Acid Check is available as a slow release caplet that slowly dissolves in the intestines.


  • Calcium carbonate
  • Magnesium hydroxide
  • Potassium hydroxide
  • Potassium chloride
  • Microcrystalline cellulose gel & cellulose gum
  • Vegetable magnesium stearate
  • Silica

Dosage Of Acid Check – Gout

The recommended dosage of this product is 2 to 3 caplets a day. If case of extreme outbreaks of gout, the dosage can be increased.

Possible Side Effects

The FDA has rated the formula for Acid Check “GRAS”. GRAS means “Generally Regarded As Safe” and implies that the product does not have any major side effects.

Price Of Acid Check – Gout

The product is priced at $29.95 for a bottle containing 60 caplets. The website currently offers a $5 discount and also free shipping within the US, making it more affordable and in the same price range as its competitors.


Acid Check has been issued a GRAS status by the FDA after being scientifically reviewed by the American Academy of Sciences. It has been recognized as a New Dietary Ingredient (NDI), that is, it conforms to safety and uniformity norms that the FDA implements for dietary supplements. There is no money-back guarantee on the product though, but its quality is certified.

Overall Value

While Acid Check is a good product and has been certified by the FDA, it is not made of natural or herbal ingredients.

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Puritan’s Pride Tart Cherry Extract Review

Puritan’s Pride Tart Cherry Extract is a rapid release capsule containing 4:1 Cherry extract. Tart cherry is known for its antioxidant and flavonoid content, which bind with potentially harmful free radicals and prevent them from damaging cells. Since damaged cells are converted into uric acid by the body, lesser damage will automatically reduce the level of uric acid formed in the body.


Ingredients In Puritan’s Pride Tart Cherry Extract

Recommended Dosage Of Puritan’s Pride Tart Cherry Extract

Adults can take 1 capsule between 1-3 times a day. These capsules should ideally be taken with meals.

Possible Side Effects

This is a completely natural product containing only cherry extract as an active ingredient and does not have any side effects.

Will This Product Produce Long-Term Results?

By fighting off free radicals, Tart Cherry Extract protects the cells from damage. This does have some long-term effect, not just in preventing gout but also in other beneficial ways (like delay in skin ageing). Tart cherry has been found to reduce the onset of gout attacks by almost 30%. However, it is advised to keep taking the supplement even after a gout attack subsides.


The website allows you to buy 3 bottles for the price of 1 for an amount of $16.99 (effective price per bottle is $5.66). The price per bottle is quite low compared to the price of other cherry extract supplements.


Puritan’s Pride offers a 1 year guarantee on its products and if you are unsatisfied with the quality, you can return the product and the company will refund the amount for the unused portion. The company follows the highest standards for ingredient selection, manufacturing and warehousing its products to ensure best quality.

Overall Value

This is amongst the lowest priced supplements available for gout. It comes with a quality guarantee and relatively no side effects.

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How To Cure Gout

Curing Gout

If you have just recently been diagnosed with gout, you will notice many types of cures. This can be very overwhelming. From herbal all-natural treatments to prescription medications, diet, over-the-counter medications and more, it can get very confusing. Most treatments out there are very good, can help control your symptoms, and may even prevent future attacks.

When deciding which treatment to use, research and learn about all that is out there and discuss your options with your doctor. The right treatment is out there waiting for you right now so that you can be free from gout pain.

Overview Of Gout

How To Cure GoutGout is a type of arthritis that is very painful and can be very debilitating. It happens when the uric acid levels in the body become too high and form crystals in the joints. The crystals lodge into the tender tissues causing the body to send out white blood cells to the area. This causes inflammation and then leads to severe pain. The uric acid levels can build-up over time without causing pain in the beginning, and then suddenly one night, you are hit with a full-fledged gout attack.

If you find yourself in this situation, you may be wondering how to cure gout and looking everywhere for answers. The good news is there are gout cures that can help lower your uric acid levels and help relieve your pain and inflammation. These take time to work, but can help you heal faster. With the right lifestyle and diet changes you can work together with your doctor to bring your gout under control.

Gout and Diet

Dietary changes are one of the first lines of defense in gout. Since gout is caused by high uric acid levels, lowering the amount of purines in the diet can help relieve gout symptoms. Eating a diet low in purines prevents uric acid levels from getting even higher and building up. High purine foods are red meat, organ meat, scallops. and sardines. You will need to keep your alcohol intake to a minimum and try to avoid beer completely. Beer is very high in purines.

How To Cure GoutOverall, try to eat a healthy diet and keep your weight stable. Being overweight can make gout attacks worse and strain your joints. If you are overweight, try to lose weight slowly and don’t starve your body of the nutrients it needs to heal. Just eat sensibly. If you increase your exercise, your joints will have an easier time staying mobile and the weight will come off.

Natural Supplements and Medications

There are some excellent gout cures in the all-natural supplement industry. You and your doctor may also discuss some of the many prescription medications available on the market. What is most important is that you find the right medications that can relieve your inflammation and pain, while lowering the uric acid levels in the blood. Between you and your physician you can work out a plan that works best for you.

Gout cures also include over-the-counter medications that can help lower inflammation and relieve pain and discomfort. Your doctor can also give you prescription anti-inflammatory medications, but sometimes these have side-effects.

After you have explored all your available gout cures, find something that suits your needs and make sure you include the necessary elements listed above. Gout cures should fit into an overall plan for managing your condition and your lifestyle. If you follow your plan, you may be able to prevent any future problems with gout.

Forces Of Nature Gout Pain Management Review

This supplement is a natural painkiller that is deep acting and brings relief from gout pain. It also treats other symptoms of gout like swelling, inflammation and redness and heals joints. It acts by stimulating the immune system and returns mobility to joints. In addition, it contains herbs that sooth and nourish the joints. This medication is applied topically (directly on the skin of affected area) and so, acts faster than oral supplements that require time to be digested and processed.

Forces Of Nature Gout Pain Management Formula

  • Arnica Montana – Relieves gout pain
  • Urtica Urens – Relieves acute pain in joints
  • Silica – Reduces swelling and inflammation
  • Thuja Occidentalis – Brings relief from burning pain
  • Inactive ingredients: French Pinus sylvestris oil, French Lavandula super oil, Napalese Matricaria recutita oil, Sesame oil

Suggested Usage

This medication can be rubbed on the affected area gently 3-4 times a day. It is for external use only and should not be applied on open wounds, blisters and damaged skin.

Possible Side Effects

Some people may be allergic or sensitive to the oils used in this concoction and should avoid this treatment. If a rash appears or condition worsens, treatment with this product should be discontinued and a doctor should be consulted.

Forces Of Nature Gout Pain Management Price

The 11ml bottle is priced at $17.95 while the 33ml bottle costs $42.85.


The product is backed by a one-year guarantee where you can get a 100% refund if you are unhappy with the product. It also has a USDA Organic certification and is an FDA registered homeopathic medicine.


Forces of Nature Gout Pain Management medicine is a topical analgesic that temporarily reduces the pain and inflammation of gout. It does not treat the condition but only relieves the sharp, burning pain associated with it. It is made from natural sources and is a certified homeopathic remedy. It also comes with a guarantee that further endorses its effectiveness.

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Gouch 120 Capsules Review

Gouch is a product made by Redd Remedies designed to encourage a healthy inflammatory response and promote healthy uric acid levels, which helps to relieve gout. Gouch relieves these symptoms through a blend of antioxidants and herbs to target three key functions to promote joint health: normal kidney function, healthy uric acid levels, healthy inflammatory response. Gouch capsules comes in a very bright red box with white lettering on the front.


Key ingredients in Gouch include:

  • Cherry fruit extract: Provides antioxidants and supports normal uric acid levels
  • Healthy Kidney Blend (boerhavia root extract and couch grass extract): Nourishes kidney function which helps metabolize uric acid.
  • Ginger Root extract: Encourages a healthy inflammatory response
  • Quercetin: Promotes healthy uric acid levels

What’s The Dosage?

it is recommended to take two capsules twice daily for the first three days, the two capsules daily thereafter.

How Much Does Gouch 120 Capsules Cost?

Gouch is available for purchase directly on the Redd Remedies website. You can buy either 60 or 120 Gouch capsules. 60 capsules costs $29.99 while 120  will cost $57.99. Using the recommended dosage that would have one bottle of 120 capsules lasting for around 57 days, or almost a two month dosage.

Redd Remedies also offers free shipping for purchases over $75.

Is It Guaranteed?

No, I could not find a guarantee for Gouch anywhere on the Redd Remedies website.

I was able to find many reviews for the product on Amazon. Overall Gouch had a 4.5/5 star rating from 21 customers which is a great sign for prospective buyers. By far the vast majority of buyers rated it at 5 stars and thought the product worked very well.

Closing Comments

Gouch is a product which contains many ingredients to fight to symptoms of gout and bring relief. It is vegetarian and vegan friendly. The doseage is a manageable amount, after the first three days which recommends 4 capsules a day users then reduce to two per day. The bottle is priced fairly and a bottle of 120 capsules will last for almost two months. Gouch was not guaranteed by its manufacturer so for buyers looking for that peace of mind.

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EverHealthy Review

EverHealthy Pain Alleviator assures relief from many muscle and joint problems including gout, arthritis, rheumatism, joint pain and excess uric acid in the body. It controls uric acid levels in the blood and also dissolves existing crystals that have already formed in joints, reducing pain and relieving gout and arthritic symptoms.




  • Cichorium intybus (chicory root): Diuretic that allows more uric acid to be flushed out of the body through urine. Keeps the liver healthy and the body’s toxin-removal process well functioning. It also has anti-inflammatory properties and strengthens the immune system.
  • Inula helenium (Elecampane): Also diuretic.
  • Vaccinium myrtilli (Bilberry): Contains anthocyanin, which block inflammation-causing enzymes and reduce pain.
  • Stellaria media (chickweed): Reduces production of uric acid and also relieves inflammation.
  • Zea mays (Corn silk): Diuretic and anti-inflammatory. Keeps the kidneys and urinary system healthy and helps remove toxins and uric acid from the body.
  • Other herbs

Recommended Dosage

The suggested dosage for this supplement is 2 capsules twice a day, preferably 1-2 hours before or after meals.

Potential Side Effects

There are no known side effects for this product. However, like most other natural supplements, it may, in rare cases, cause an allergic reaction and should be discontinued by allergic patients. Some ingredients like Stellaria media also have known interactions with some drugs and a physician must be consulted before this supplement is taken.

EverHealthy Price

Each bottle contains 100 capsules and costs $16.99. Since one bottle lasts around 25 days, a month’s dosage will cost around $20.38.

EverHealthy Guarantee

If you are unsatisfied with the quality or effectiveness of the product, you can return it within 7 days of receipt and receive a full refund of the product cost (not including shipping and handling cost).

Is It Worth Buying?

This is a natural product and may be effective in relieving gout pain and inflammation. However, the ingredients used in this supplement are not very common in gout supplements. There is no scientific proof of their effectiveness and the 7 day guarantee is too short a period for an accurate judgement to be made regarding if the product works or not.

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Terry Naturally Vitamins Cherry Fruit Review

Terry Naturally Vitamins Cherry Fruit supplement consists of freeze-dried cherries that are rich in antioxidants. They control uric acid levels in the body and keeps joints flexible and gout-free. The supplements also maintain a healthy pH balance and prevent irritation in the lining of the stomach.

The supplement also contains essential nutrients like lutein, zeaxanthin, beta-carotene, vitamin A and C, potassium, calsium and magnesium.

Ingredients In Terry Naturally Vitamins Cherry Fruit

  • Freeze-dried Sweet Cherry (Prunus avium): 750mg per capsule
  • In capsule shell: Vegetable cellulose, Silicon dioxide, Magnesium stearate, Maltodextrin

Dosage Of Terry Naturally Vitamins Cherry Fruit

Recommended daily dosage of this Cherry Fruit supplement is 2 to 4 capsules. 2 tablets each can be taken with breakfast and dinner.


A bottle containing 120 capsules costs $35.95. Since this is only a month-long supply, the price is a higher than other competitive products in the market.


The product does not come with any guarantees. However, it comes with more or less the same ingredients as many other products in the market. The active ingredient is natural and does not have any major side effects.

The drawback for not having any guarantee or test results is that the potency and how effective the supplement will be cannot be confirmed.


Terry Naturally Vitamins Cherry Fruit Gout Supplement is quite similar in composition to many other cherry extract supplements available and comparatively much more expensive than them. It contains natural cherry powder, which is rich in antioxidants. However, since the product does not come with any guarantee or certification, its effectiveness cannot be confirmed. At this price, it will be better for customers to choose cheaper products with a similar or better formulation rather than opting for Terry Naturally Vitamins Cherry Fruit supplements.

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