UBB Gout Be Gon Review

This supplement is made of natural ingredients that have traditionally been used for gout treatment. It helps keeps the metabolism healthy and maintain normal uric acid levels in the body.


  • Vitamin C: Vitamin C increases the level of uric acid so that more of it eliminated from the body through urine.
  • Potassium: Helps in faster excretion of uric acid.
  • Devil’s claw extract: Reduces inflammation in joints, curbs pain and also strengthens the immune system.
  • Cherry extract: Contains antioxidants that lower uric acid production.
  • Quercetin: Dual action ingredient. It has anti-inflammatory properties and also inhibits production of uric acid in the body.
  • Bromelain: A protein-digesting enzyme isolated from pineapples. When proteins are digested properly, uric acid, which is a by-product of digestion, is not formed. Bromelain also dissolves uric acid deposits in joints and lowers gout pain and swelling.
  • Grape (Vitis vinifera) extract: Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant.

Recommended Dosage

2 tablets can be taken daily, between meal times.

Will UBB Gout Be Gon Produce Long-Term Results?

Both cherry extract and grape extract have been associated with long-term management of gout. They lower the chances of a gout attack taking place and help manage gout symptoms over a longer course of time.


Each bottle costs $34.99 plus $8.95 shipping. However, since a single bottle lasts 50 days, the cost per month is approximately $26.36.


The company does not offer any guarantee or warrantee on this supplement. It does not mention any manufacturing practices or ingredient selection practices either and fails to provide customers any quality assurance.

Is UBB Gout Be Gon Worth It?

While this supplement contains natural ingredients that are commonly used in gout supplements, there is no guarantee offered regarding its quality or effectiveness. The benefits of vitamin C in gout patients are still disputed. Some researchers claim that vitamin C can even make gout worse since it increases uric acid production and lowers the pH level of blood. For a product that does not come with a guarantee, the $26.36 price is a little too high.

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Renevitol Gout Pain Relief Review

Renevitol Gout Pain Relief is a natural supplement that lowers gout pain and helps patients live more comfortably. It contains ingredients that have been found to be effective in controlling gout and other joint-related afflictions.

Calcium keeps bones strong and muscles healthy. It also helps in healing gout-damaged joints. Usually, gout patients are given calcium in the form of calcium carbonate, which reacts with uric acid in the blood and neutralizes it, balancing the pH level of the blood and allowing uric acid to be removed from the body painlessly.

Black cherry concentrate is a very popular and effective ingredient in gout supplements. Research has proven that cherry concentrate can reduce the occurrence of future gout attacks by 30% or more. Black cherry contains anthocyanin and antioxidants, which prevent free radicals from destroying cells and therefore, reduce the amount of uric acid produced (due to digestion of damaged cells).

Devils claw has many positive effects in cases of gout. It lowers inflammation and pain in joints. It also enhances immune response and increases the rate of removal of uric acid from the body.

Yucca binds with ammonia and forces it to pass through the body as it is without being converted into uric acid. It therefore, controls uric acid level in the body and prevents crystal deposits from forming in joints. It also has anti-inflammatory properties and keeps pain in control.


  • Calcium (from coral calcium)
  • Black cherry concentrate
  • Devils claw root (Harpagophytum procumbens)
  • Yucca root (Yuuca baccata)

It does not contain any milk products, lactose, sugar, gluten, yeast, corn, salt, sodium, starch or wheat. It also does not contain artificial colours, flavours or preservatives.

Recommended Dosage

The suggested dosage is 3 capsules a day, one with each meal.


The price for a 90 capsule bottle is $19.50.


The company offers a 14-day return policy within the US. They refund the cost of purchase less shipping cost if you are dissatisfied with the product.

Is Renevitol Gout Pain Relief Worth Buying?

Renevitol Gout Pain Relief is a good, natural product that is quality-guaranteed by the company. It is not too highly priced and is worth buying.

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PurMEDICA Urcinol Review

PurMedica Urcinol is a natural dietary supplement that is promoted as a Uric Acid Management complex. The formula has been clinically prove to relieve gout and also to reduce the onset of future attacks.

Ingredients In PurMEDICA Urcinol

  • Sodium – Retains water in the body to dilute uric acid so that it can be flushed from the body painlessly
  • Banaba (Lagerstroemla speciosa) leaf powder – Contain a compound called valoneic acid dilactone which blocks the enzyme that converts xanthine into uric acid. It also has diuretic properties and keeps kidneys healthy.
  • Acai (Euterpe oleracea) fruit extract – Anti-inflammatory and also contains antioxidants
  • Bicarbonate of soda – Helps neutralize uric acid and controls pH level of blood.
  • Yucca filamentosa root powder – Reduces inflammation in joints
  • Turmeric (Curcuma longa) root powder – Dissolves uric acid crystals that have formed in joints and relieves pain. Also enhances immune function.
  • Milk thistle (Silybum marianum) seed plant extracts – Keeps liver and kidneys healthy and allows the body to detoxify itself properly.
  • Artichoke (Cynara scolymus) leaf powder – Purifies blood
  • Celery (Apium graveolens) seed powder – Stimulates kidneys and increases expulsion of uric acid from body
  • Other ingredients: Gelatin, cellulose, stearic acid, magnesium stearate, silicon dioxide

Dosage Of PurMEDICA Urcinol

Suggested usage of this product is 2 capsules a day, one in the morning and one an hour before bedtime. The capsules should be taken with a glass of water. It is also recommended that patients drink at least 8 glasses of water every day.


A 60 capsule bottle costs $39.95. This is more than 50% higher than the monthly cost of other supplements.


The company offers a 90 day risk-free money back guarantee. The website has a “Doctor Trusted” certificate and the products are manufactured in an FDA approved facility following GMP (Good Manufacturing practices) norms.

Is It Worth Buying?

While this a good product and made of natural ingredients, it is priced very high compared to similar products . These ingredients are found in many other gout remedies  that are available at much lower prices and are very effective. You can save a lot of money by choosing other products with similar components to that of PurMedica Urcinol.

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Ayurvedic Medicine For Gout Review

The Ayurvedic Medicine kit for gout contains Gout Ayur capsules, Detox herbal tea and Kaishore Guggulu. Gout Ayur capsule provides nourishment to the joints affected by gout and improve the functioning of muscles and joints. Detox herbal tea flushes toxins like uric acid out of the body and prevents their deposits. Kaishore Guggulu is a supplement that supports metabolism and reduces production of uric acid.

Ingredients In Ayurvedic Medicine For Gout

Gout Ayur capsules

  • Gorakhmundi (Sphaeranthus indicus) – controls uric acid levels
  • Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia) – enhances immunity
  • Manjishtha – diuretic
  • Shunthi (Zinziber officinale) – reduces pain
  • Shallaki (Boswellia Serrata) – anti-inflammatory, reduces joint swelling and pain and generally improves joint health
  • Ashwagandha – improves immunity, has been shown to be helpful in arthritis and gout
  • Ajwain (Trachyspermum ammi) – flushes out uric acid from the body

Detox Herbal tea

  • Pippali (Piper longum) – increases the liver’s ability to remove toxins from the body
  • Dalchini (cinnamon) – keeps liver healthy
  • Amalaki (Indian gooseberry) – rich in vitamin C, high in anti-oxidants, also increases immunity
  • Haritaki (Terminalia chebula) – increases immune function
  • Haridra (turmeric) – increases immunity, relieves inflammation and pain, also reduces uric acid deposits
  • Maricha (Piper nigrum) – relieves pain, stimulates the digestive and excretory system
  • Manjishtha

Kaishore Guggulu

  • Guduchi
  • Haritaki
  • Bibhitaki (Terminalia bellirica) – helpful in removing toxins
  • Amalaki
  • Nishotha (Operculina turpethum) – enhances metabolism, keeps liver healthy, expels unwanted fluid from the body, also a good antioxidant
  • Vidanga (Embelia ribes) – keeps digestive tract healthy
  • Guggulu – detoxifies blood, prevents inflammation and gout

Dosage Of Ayurvedic Medicine For Gout

Recommended dosage of Gout Ayur and Kaishore Guggulu is 2 capsules/tablets each twice a day with hot water. 2 cups of detox herbal tea should also be consumed each day.


1-month supply of the Ayurvedic medicine kit costs $35.95, and a 10% discount is available if a 3-month supply is ordered together.


There is no money-back guarantee, but the products are made of all-natural products and do not contain any chemicals. They are manufactured in accordance with Good Manufacturing Practices prescribed by FDA.

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Organika Goutrin Review

Organika Goutrin is a natural cherry fruit extract that lowers uric acid production and neutralizes the harmful effects of uric acid in gout patients. It helps relieve pain and inflammation.


  • Vitamin C (as Calcium ascorbate): Helps in removal of excess uric acid from the body. It is also a precursor in the formation of collagen, which is essential for healthy joints.
  • Calcium (as Calcium ascorbate): Helps in healing of joints. Also helps neutralize uric acid and allows it to be painless removed from the body through urine.
  • Iron
  • Powdered Cherry fruit (Malphigia emarginata): Contains anthocyanin and antioxidants, which reduce production of uric acid.
  • Powdered Thyme leaf (Thymus vulgaris): Diuretic that increases the formation of urine so that more uric acid can be removed. Also ensures that urine is dilute so that the acidity of uric acid does not cause burning pain while being passed out from the body.
  • Powdered Celery seed (Apium graveolens): Diuretic and anti-inflammatory. It also blocks xanthine oxidase enzyme, which is responsible for formation of uric acid.
  • Powdered Peppermint leaf extract (Mentha piperita) 15:1: Diuretic
  • Other ingredients: Pullulan/hypromellose (vegetarian capsule), microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate

Recommended Dosage

Adults should take 2 capsules a day – one with breakfast and the other with dinner.

Possible Side Effects

Contains soy extract and may cause allergies in some people. Overdose in children may cause iron toxicity, which might be fatal in some cases.


Retail price for one bottle of Goutrin is $32.34, but it is available on the Vitacost website for $22.91.


The product is made in adherence to the GMP of Canada but does not come with any quality or effectiveness guarantee from the company. The company does not accept returns or issue refunds under any case.

Is Organika Goutrin Worth It?

Since it does not come with any guarantee or quality assurance, its effectiveness as a gout supplement cannot be ascertained. It contains ingredients that are useful in managing gout and its symptoms but the potency of the ingredients is unknown.

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Nature’s Health Uric Acid Balance Review

Nature’s Health Uric Acid Balance helps lower the level of uric acid in the body.

Milk thistle has anti-inflammatory properties that lower inflammation and pain. It also has antioxidants that protect the body from free radicals, which typically destroy cells and lead to the formation of excess uric acid. Milk thistle is commonly used as a tonic for the liver and keeps it healthy, ensuring that blood is detoxified properly. Turmeric reduces inflammation and has been used in traditional medicines for ages. Garlic not only lowers the production of uric acid in the body but also stops it from accumulating in the joints. Cinnamon inhibits the enzyme responsible for uric acid synthesis and also relieves swelling and pain in joints. Radix bupleurum keeps uric acid levels in control and prevents deposits in joints and muscles. Artichoke has diuretic properties that allow excess uric acid to be removed from the body by means of urine. It also keeps the liver healthy and promotes balanced metabolism.


Recommended Dosage

The suggested usage for this product is 1 capsule thrice a day. This capsule is to be taken with 2 glasses of water. It is also advised that you abstain from drinking alcohol or eating animal/seafood products. Adequate amounts of water should be consumed and exercising every day is recommended.


A bottle containing 90 capsules costs $19.


There is no guarantee offered by the company on this product. If you are dissatisfied with the product for any reason, you lose the money that you spent. There is also no information mentioned on the website regarding quality certification, customer reviews or manufacturing practices.

Is Nature’s Health Uric Acid Balance Worth Buying?

While this may well be a good product, there are better products available in the market in this price range. Uric Acid Balance also does not come with a guarantee or certification to convince us regarding its effectiveness. However, the components used are all natural and will not typically have any side-effects, so those who wish to try this product can do so without any major negative consequence.

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AmerMed Tart Cherry Gout Treatment Review

AmerMed Tart Cherry supplement contains a 10:1 extract of tart cherry. Tart Cherry is very rich in antioxidants. Free radicals present in the environment attack the cells of our body, damaging them and causing health problems. When the body digests these damaged cells, uric acid is produced as a by-product. However, antioxidants bind with free radicals and prevent them from damaging cells, therefore, indirectly lowering uric acid production. Uric acid is the chief culprit behind the pain and inflammation of gout. The excess uric acid in the blood crystallizes and accumulates in the joints causing extreme pain and swelling. However, since tart cherry lowers uric acid production, there is no excess and joints remain healthy and free from deposits and pain.

In addition to being an excellent remedy for gout, tart cherry extract also prevent cardiovascular diseases, is thought to reduce risk of cancer and delays the onset of ageing.


  • Tart Cherry extract 10:1
  • Other ingredients: Natural gelatin capsule, Maltodextrin


Recommended dosage is 4 capsules a day – 2 with breakfast and 2 with dinner.

Will This Produce Long-Term Result?

Tart cherry supplements have been shown to have long-term benefits. They lower incidence of gout attacks and also make future attacks less severe. However, it is recommended that this supplement be taken continuously and not just when a gout flare-up occurs.

AmerMed Tart Cherry Gout Price

A 120-capsule bottle of 550mg strength is priced at $11.95, but a pack of 4 bottles can be bought at a discounted price of $8.96 per bottle. Further quantity discounts are available if the supplement is bought in bulk.

AmerMed Tart Cherry Gout Guarantee

The company offers a full refund on products returned within 30 days of being delivered. However, they do not accept returns of bulk purchases of 12 or more bottles.


There are several tart cherry supplements available in the market and all of them have relatively similar results. If looking for a cherry supplement for gout, it is recommended to select one that has standardised value of anthocyanin, which AmerMed’s supplement does not have. By standardizing the content of anthocyanin in the capsules, the effectiveness of the supplement does not vary with batch or time and constant improvement can be seen.

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Uricelax Uric Acid Support Review

Uricelax is a natural gout supplement that helps maintain an optimum level of uric acid in the body. It aids in healthy kidney function and keeps the immune system functioning properly. By controlling the level of uric acid by elimination or retention (as required by the body), Uricelax reduces pain and inflammation that accompanies gout. It also contains antioxidants that prevent cellular damage caused by free radicals.

Ingredients In Uricelax Uric Acid Support

  • Bromelain, Trypsin and Rutin – Addresses the symptoms of gout by reducing inflammation, digesting mineral deposits in joints, enhancing immune response and relieving pain and swelling.
  • Devil’s claw – Reduces uric acid level in body
  • Celery seed extract – Contains antioxidants and reduces uric acid formation. Also has diuretic properties that hastens the removal of waste through urine
  • Tart Cherry Extract – Neutralizes uric acid and helps eliminate it from the body
  • Grapeseed Extract – Rich in antioxidants, so prevent cellular damage and reduce the amount of uric acid formed
  • Turmeric – Anti-inflammatory properties and also strengthens immune system
  • Bilberry extract – Promotes urinary health and good kidney function
  • Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) – Strengthens the immune system
  • Alfalfa – Helps detoxify the body and flush out uric acid from the body
  • Cynara – Diuretic that helps eliminate waste from the body
  • Other ingredients: Gelatin, Magnesium stearate, stearic acid and dicalcium phosphate

Recommended Dosage Of Uricelax Uric Acid Support

It is recommended that you take 2 capsules a day – one in the morning and one an hour before bedtime. The supplement should ideally be taken every day for at least 8 weeks at a stretch. This dosage can be continued after that also for best results.

Is It Affordable?

A single bottle costs $39.95, but three bottles can be bought together for $79, reducing the effective monthly cost to $26.33. By opting for a recurring automatic order, you can save an additional 5%.


The company refuses to offer a guarantee and claims that everybody’s immune system differs from each other and so the supplement may not be equally effective for everyone.

Overall Value

While this is a good, natural product, it does not come with any guarantee. The website also does not have any information of the standards the company follows for manufacturing the product and there are no customer reviews on the website.

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Fruit Advantage Gout Treatment Review

Fruit Advantage Cherry Prime keeps joints healthy, reduces soreness of muscles, helps build cartilage and keeps joints lubricated. This supplement contains glucosamine and chondroitin to restore damaged cartilage and lubricate joints. It also contains anthocyanin and antioxidants from tart cherry. Glucosamine stimulates cartilage production and chondroitin provides raw material for it and also attracts water into joints, keeping them motile. Tart cherries are rich in vitamin A, C and E and promote overall health. Anthocyanin present in tart cherries prevents uric acid crystals from forming in joints, dissolves existing crystals and keeps blood uric acid levels in control. Antioxidants prevent tissue damage caused by free radicals.

Ingredients In Fruit Advantage Gout Treatment

Dosage Of Fruit Advantage Gout Treatment

3 capsules of Cherry Prime are recommended to be taken a day (1 with each meal).

Possible Side Effects

Like other glucosamine and chondroitin supplements, Cherry Prime can cause high blood sugar, upset stomach, itchy rashes and headaches. People with a known shellfish allergy should avoid this product, since glucosamine is derived from shellfish.


A 90-capsule bottle of Cherry Prime costs $28.95. 7 bottles can be bought together at a discounted price of $22.33 per bottle. Shipping within the US is free. Each bottle lasts one month. This price is reasonable for a combined supplement that both prevents and repairs gout damage.


The website offers a 100% satisfaction guarantee and products can be returned for full refunds within 60 days of purchase. It is manufactured in an FDA approved facility.

Overall Value

This is a product that combines the benefits of two separate supplements. Glucosamine and Chondroitin heal joints and help in regenerating cartilage, while tart cherry prevents accumulation of uric acid in joints. Tart cherry supplements have been found to be very effective in managing gout.

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The Vitamin Shoppe Tart Cherry Extract Review

Tart Cherry Extract contains antioxidants and keeps the immune system healthy. When taken with gout medication, Tart Cherry Extract decreases the incidence of gout attacks in patients by blocking the production of proteins that cause inflammation. These supplements also control uric acid level of the blood, reducing the risk of uric acid deposits in joints, which are characteristic of gout.

The Vitamin Shoppe Tart Cherry Capsules are vegetarian, gluten-free and do not contain any preservatives or artificial colours.

Ingredients In The Vitamin Shoppe Tart Cherry Extract

  • Active ingredient: CherryPure Freeze Dried Tart Cherry (Prunus cerasus) Skin Concentrate: 500mg per capsule
  • In capsule shell: Vegetable cellulose, Microcystalline cellulose, Magnesium stearate, Silica

Dosage Of The Vitamin Shoppe Tart Cherry Extract

The recommended dose for this dietary supplement is three capsules every day, preferably with meals. This is more than the dosage for GoutClear.


Each bottle containing 90 capsules, which is about one month’s supply, costs $19.99. The website offers a 50% on the second bottle if you buy two together, so the effective price for each bottle would be $15.


The company does not offer any guarantees and even refuses to endorse or verify customer reviews and the health information regarding cherries that is mentioned on the website.

Is It Worth Buying?

It certainly is cheaper than many other gout supplements available in the market, but the negative aspect is that the company does not offer any guarantee or provide any proof of the product’s effectiveness.

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